Chapter One :Chapter 1

  Azazel raised his head feeling pains all over his body. He landed on Earth on his legs and hands. It was a great fall for him.

  He examined his body and noticed he had the body of the image of God. The light that shone from him began to reduce and after few seconds the light was gone. He stood erect and his wing withdrew leaving back was bare.

  He looked up to the skies clenching his jaw in anger. Without uttering any words, he began to walk down the remote road naked.

  The car exploded causing Azazel to bend in fear. He used to see the fire from heaven but he has never been so close to a real one. In amusement, he walked to the rim of the ditch and saw the car that tumbled burning.

  He glared at the car in amusement moving his head sideways.

  Suddenly he saw a light on the road. He walked to the middle of the road and stood in front of the approaching vehicle.

  Charlotte Flair was driving at a speed of 50km/h. She seemed to be a little drunk but she knew exactly what she was doing.

  She sighted the figure in front of her and her eyes widened.

  "Why is he standing in the middle of the road naked?" She asked trying not to look down at his belly.

  She grabbed her jacket and dimmed the light of her car. She switched off the engine and opened the door.

  "Hey!" She said climbing down her car and going near Azazel. Azazel stared at her speechless as she approached.

  "Where are your clothes?" Charlotte asked looking into his very pretty face.

  "Wow. You look so handsome." She complimented smiling, and all Azazel did was stare at her. He didn't know how to respond to her.

  "It is cold out here. You should wear this. Unfortunately, I have no shorts with me." She said stretching out the jacket to him.

  He glared at the jacket like a novice. He had never worn something like this his entire life.

  "You don't know how to wear it?" She asked any Azazel nodded making Charlotte laugh.

  "You must be a mummy's boy. Let me help you." She said taking his hands in hers.

  "Wow. Your hands are like that of a baby." She said and all Azazel did was stare.

  She wore the hand of the jacket on his hand and turning to his back. She had to stand on her toes because he was quite taller than her.

  She wore it on his shoulders and then slid in his left hand inside the jacket.

  "Perfect." She said as she began to button the jacket down.

  "This belongs to my late fiancée, he isn't dead but he is dead to me. You are lucky it fits you perfectly." She muttered smiling.

  After buttoning it, she saw it covered him pretty okay though it stopped on his thighs.

  "So, where do you live?" She asked looking at him but he still kept mute.

  "You are not much of a talker. Got it. But we can't stay here too long, so we need to move. Come on." She said walking to the car. She opened the car and sat down before she noticed he didn't move an inch.

  "Come on Man! This road isn't safe at night. Are you new around here?" She asked climbing down and walking to him.

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him with her to the side of the car. She opened the door and then looked at him.

  "Sit." She said but instead of sitting, Azazel began to explore the car.

  "Sit Mr. Stranger." Charlotte said showing him how to sit in it.

  Finally, Azazel sat in the car and Charlotte shut the door. She rushed to the driver's seat and sat too. She ignited the engine and Azazel's eyes widened.

  "Don't be scared handsome, I am a good driver." She said as she began to drive. Azazel swallowed hard clenching onto the car door tightly.

  "So this is how it feels to be human." He thought. Charlotte smiled at his behavior when she looked at him.

  "You look cute acting this way." She said and Azazel looked at her keeping mute.

  Many things ran through Azazel's mind, starting from the beauty that just rendered his help.

  He never thought they would be so nice. No wonder Father loves them so much.

  Charlotte caught him staring at her and she smiled.

  "You wish to share what you're thinking?" She asked and he just kept glaring.

  "Hold on, are you dumb?" She asked widening her eyes in shock.

  "Oh my... How did I not think about that? You just too handsome to not be able to express yourself in words." She said pitifully.

  Azazel understood what she said, he didn't know how he did but he knew he understood. He wanted to talk but he was scared he could destroy Earthly things because he is an Angel.

  Or maybe he speaks and a different language proceeds from his mouth.

  "Keeping mute is the best." He thought.

  "You love music?" Charlotte asked reaching for her music player and switching it on.

  Azazel flinched in fear as the music began to play and this made Charlotte laugh.

  "Sorry, I never knew you won't love loud rock. I love loud music." She said reducing the volume.

  After driving for some minutes, she finally got to town.

  "So where do you live around here? I am sure your mother is looking for you. You are very young to be out there alone." She said and Azazel furrowed his brows.

  "Too young? I have been since the beginning of time!" He said inside of him but he kept his expression normal.

  "Can you at least write it down if you can't talk?" Charlotte at packing the car and switching off the engine. She reached for her bag and searched for her biro and book.

  "Here. Write down your address." She said placing them on Azazel's thighs.

  "Pick it up." She said showing him how to and she dropped it. He picked it up and same way she did and placed the sharp edge on the paper.

  "I don't live here." He thought and before he knew it he had penned his thoughts on the book.

  Charlotte collected it and took a look at it using the light from her phone.

  "Wow. You have very nice handwriting." She started reading what he had written.

  "You don't live here? Where do you live?" She asked placing the paper on his thighs again.

  He picked up the biro and thought;

  "I live in heaven." He scrambled down and when Charlotte read it, she laughed.

  "C'mon no jokes okay? Let's do it this way. I take you to my apartment tonight and then tomorrow you head home." She said igniting the engine.

  Azazel stared at her as she began to drive again.

  "Where do I go tomorrow?" He asked himself looking outside the window of the car.

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